It's been quite a while since I last posted. During the intervening time, schoolwork got quite heavy, and when I wasn't doing that and teaching part time I was taking care of a family member who recently lost her battle with cancer.
One piece of good news: I completed my Master's degree in Applied Technology with a 4.0 grade point average.
Future Personal Plans:
1) Will continue to do consulting work, prototyping, technician work, and part-time teaching as those opportunities become available.
2) I may explore other career options such as nursing, EKG technician, or other allied medical field.
This Blog - Going Forward:
This blog will still cover projects and tech topics that web traffic statistics for this site show my readership to be interested in. However, in the future, it will focus more on things relating to Biology, medical and possibly chemistry topics. The emphasis will be on "do it yourself" topics.
Also in the works are more posts relating to archery and other decidedly "low tech" pursuits that are readily doable for low cost and under less than optimal conditions.