Highlights some of my science and technology related pursuits, hobbies, and other interests. I've created this blog to showcase my skills and to share knowledge with others.
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Monday, November 11, 2013
Geodesic Domes and Other Interesting Stuff
Given the very real inflation in food prices (which the main stream media and government continue to insist isn't happening), I have been looking for ways to grow vegetables into the late Fall and Winter season to augment my groceries and save money. As I was researching materials and techniques for building a small greenhouse to extend the growing season, I came upon this interesting site:
Granted, this thing is MUCH larger than what I need at present. But the design may be scaled up or down, and has numerous advantages of structural regidity and good performance in windy locations. It would be ideal for long term camping or even as expedient housing in an emergency. The parent site, http://diyready.com, has some good links for other do-yourself projects as well.
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